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  • "dootzky" started this thread

Posts: 2

Location: Belgrade, Serbia, Europe

Occupation: programmer

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Wednesday, November 12th 2008, 1:01pm

Klipper - unneeded keyboard stroke

Hi guys,
this is perhaps petty suggestion, but why is it that when I raise my Klipper with the shortcut, and I hit "arrow DOWN" on the keyboard, my first selection is "nothing", instead of selecting the latest (top) clipboard entry.

I guess the selection goes to the klipport window title (marked on the attached image), but that's just weird, and unneeded. If I press the "arrow UP" key, it stars with selections from below, which is ok.
In previous version of Klipper (I think it was the "KDE 3.5.x" Klipper tool) this was expected behavior, and it worked just like I'm describing it above.

Is there a way to fix this, or to tweak it somehow?

Thanks for your time,
dootzky has attached the following image:
  • photo.png

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