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Saturday, January 13th 2007, 8:39pm

How to Automatically Sort Icons By Name?

Hi All,

Is it possible to automatically sort the icons on the Desktop in KDE?

I'm relatively new to Linux and am running KDE 3.5 on Fedora Core 6 (AMD64). I've played with KDE and searched the forums (as well as Googled) for an answer but can't seem to find one.

I can *manually* sort the icons, but am looking for a way to do this *automatically*. (Yes, I'm anal, but this is driving me nuts.) I'd like for KDE to perform the way Windows does but I can't figure out how to do it. Am I simply missing something or does KDE really not have this feature?

KDE 3.5 - Manually Sort Icons Once:
Right Click Desktop | Icons | Sort Icons | By Name (Case Sensitive)

Windows - Automatically Sort Icons:
Right Click Desktop | Arrange Icons | By Name | Auto-Arrange



Saturday, January 13th 2007, 10:52pm

probably not implemented in kde.
Help mee om KDE 3.5.5 in het Nederlands te vertalen


Sunday, January 14th 2007, 1:15am

I found the command below from another post on which does what I'm looking for, although I would have thought (hoped?) that this would be available through the existing GUI.

dcop kdesktop "$(dcop kdesktop qt objects | grep sort_nci)" activate


Sunday, January 14th 2007, 1:37am

Ahh, DCOP magic :)

dcop can be used to control your desktop from the command line.
Very powerfull mechanism.

Perhaps you can put the command in a service menu for konqueror and/or kdesktop to make the option available in the context menu of kdesktop.

Regards, Rinse
Help mee om KDE 3.5.5 in het Nederlands te vertalen


Monday, February 5th 2007, 1:40pm

Is this persistant across reboots? If so, I'd use it as well.


Tuesday, February 13th 2007, 12:46pm

Icon name -right- of the icon?

Hello fellas,

I'm trying to make my desktop a little bit more like my Mac desktop. On my mind are the following things:

- Make the icons smaller, probably 16x16 pixels
- Make the icon text (file name, duh!) appear right to the icon, not under it
- Arrage all icons on the right side of the desktop, not on the left
- Automatically sort them by name, even if files are created on the desktop.

This saves a whole lot of time when working with many files or if you enjoy having test files or temporary copies of your stuff on your desktop.

Any help is appreciated!
