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Monday, March 28th 2005, 7:36pm

Corrupted icon

While setting up my KDE desktop I unthinkingly dragged something into the waste basket which I shouldn't have, and now the waste basket icon has been changed into a picture of a notepad or something, which looks ridiculous. I tried changing the icon themes but it just turned the waste basket into various different notepads. I've found where the icons are stored but how do I reinstate the lost icon? I haven't discovered how to assign an icon to an object. I assume KDE should do this automatically, but how do I do it manually if KDE has gone wrong? Do I have to reinstall KDE? By the way I am using KDE version 3.2 on Suse Linux 9.1 Professional. I have no Internet connection on that particular machine as yet, and I am trying to set up Samba, so I can transfer files through a LAN from a W*ndows PC. But I'd like to get this niggly icon problem sorted first!

Best wishes,


Posts: 62

Location: Long Beach, California

Occupation: Documentation

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Tuesday, March 14th 2006, 4:14am

RE: Corrupted icon

The trash icon is actually a text file called trash.desktop. In it are the following contents for a properly configured file:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Contains removed files

You might have to be root to change the file. I am not sure.