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Monday, February 6th 2006, 9:28pm

Stop KDE from opening Konqueror when USB HD inserted

I have been having this problem with KDE since 3.4.3 (now using 3.5.1) When ever I plug in a USB HD of any kind it auto magically opens a new konqueror tab/window to the medie:/<dev name /> location. It also asks me what I want to do with it; "Open to view contents"(or something like that) or "do nothing", if I click "do nothing" it's too late as it has already done something! and if I click "Open to view contents" it opens a new tab/window again!!

Also, does anyone know how to modify the default action when double clicking on one of the media icons on the desktop?
I would like it to default to /media/<dev name /> rather than the KIO slave folder media:/<dev name />.

Just to be clear, I have also seen this behavior on Kubuntu running kde version 3.5.0

Thanks in advance for any help!!

I am also running gentoo.
I love MS for all its follies, they keep me in the $$!


Tuesday, February 7th 2006, 5:57pm

I love MS for all its follies, they keep me in the $$!



Posts: 14

Location: Corning, NY

Occupation: Systems Analyst

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Tuesday, February 21st 2006, 12:28am

The Konqueror window is probably not being opened by KDE, since KDE 3.4 didn't have the ability to respond to a drive being inserted on its own. More likely, you're running ivman. If that's the case, then I recommend just uninstalling it, since KDE 3.5 has its own volume manager now.

As for changing the action for desktop icons, I've been trying to do the same sort of thing to make the icons work with automount. You can sorta kinda do that by modifying file associations. Just modify the file association for the media/removable* MIME types to use an appropriate command. The media:/whatever URI will be passed to this command, so you'll probably want to use a little script to convert this into the appropriate local path.

The problem I've found with this method is that it doesn't really work correctly when you double-click the icon. It seems to work right the first time, but after that it goes back to using the media:/ paths. However the open item on the context menu works as expected. It's really weird.


Tuesday, February 21st 2006, 1:51am

I actually found a solution, and no I am not using ivman.

Also FYI KDE used/uses ivman to mount things, in 3.5 they use pmount.

I posted my solution there
I love MS for all its follies, they keep me in the $$!