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  • "islamguidedotcom" started this thread

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Sunday, December 11th 2005, 3:22pm

How to put Show desktop aplet in quick launch bar?

Hi all!

Qn is on the subject. Just to clarify sth here.. the 'quick launch bar' is NOT the one with the icons the same size as the KDE start button but the one that u must manually add(in most distros) through right clicking an empty space on the taskbar then going to add>applet<quick launcher which basically is similar to the quick launch bar in windows with icons spanning 2 rows.

Thx in advance!
"Verily people are asleep, only upon death do they awaken."

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Friday, March 17th 2006, 5:58am

RE: How to put Show desktop aplet in quick launch bar?

wmctrl is a small program that may help you. I couldn't find a KDE solution.