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Tuesday, April 27th 2004, 5:03am

!Help! Dramatic KDE Slow down!

Hello, I am running Gentoo Linux with KDE 3.2
I have a pentium 4 1.4ghz processor with 256mb of memory and an nvidia geforce 2 mx videocard.

After recently installing kde and gentoo, kde worked perfectly. Then, all of the sudden (and yes, all of the sudden, happened probably after reboot) I noticed a severe slowdown in KDE. The first thing I noticed is a pause before it starts up. Then, it takes forever to initialize everything. After that and throughon, Applications take forever and a day to start. I clocked terminal at up to 14 seconds to start. After a while I rebooted and it was fixed. But, just recently it went bad again. I have attempted to tweak different xf86config settings and I have turned all of the flashy kde stuff off. After the program starts it runs fine, it just takes a long time to start up. I am sort of a newbie so be nice on the language :) Thank you for reading and I beg you desperately I am so tired of wndows!


Tuesday, April 27th 2004, 11:51pm


I think it's a network problem...

try this:

strace -o konsole.strace konsole

paste it here... not all the file :)


Thursday, April 29th 2004, 5:59pm

Command didn't work, maybe it is a network problem, I unhooked the NIC from the router to move it and after that everything, including "startx" takes INCREDIBLY long.


Thursday, April 29th 2004, 7:42pm


Original von starravesix

Command didn't work, maybe it is a network problem, I unhooked the NIC from the router to move it and after that everything, including "startx" takes INCREDIBLY long.

There have been reports of slow X startup if the workstation's own host name is not in /etc/hosts
Maybe this will help you: