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Monday, January 12th 2004, 11:53am

None Slackware packages and KDE

Hi Everyone, I've only just found this forum and can see it could be a good place to hangout :D

I have been slowly moving across from Mandrake to Slackware over the past 6 months and I am now a 100% Slackware user :D The one big difference is that whereas Mandrake has the "kitchen sink" approach and has an RPM for just about everything out there, Slackware is more refined and has limited tgz packages available. There are some significant KDE apps out there that are not included with Slackware. There two obvious ones that come to mind are Scribus and K3B.

I have recently found LinuxPackages and note that ready made tgz packages can be downloaded but have warnings that these are not official Slackware packages and use at your own risk. What are the risks exactly? I am trying to run a solid package based system and have recently started using Swaret to help me do this. Surley, if I do experience a problem with a none Slackware official tgz can't I just remove it?

KDE has come a hell of a long way in the past few years and there are many new apps worth looking at. Would you recommend using packages from alternative sources or is there a real chance that I might break KDE or even worse my entire installation?
Alan Lakin




Sunday, January 18th 2004, 8:53pm

slackware packages

Alan anythings possible when you install new software. The biggest risk of packages from linuxpackages is they wont work. I've had about 50% success with the few packages from there that I have tried. And sure you can just 'removepkg ---whatever ' if it doesnt work. Have U installed from source ? Read about the new 'checkinstall' command on slack9.1? It will build a package for you if you are installing from source, I am told. Havent tried it yet myself. (instead of typing 'make' when u install frm source=type checkinstall', thats what ive read anyway) Then if it borks u can uninstall easily. And if you think slack9.1 rules with KDE3.1.4, d/l the beta2 for KDE3.2 frm one of the mirrors, it is FAST. Still some bugs, but it wont be long until its ready (my sound dont work, everything else seems to so far)
Good luck! TonyH


Tuesday, January 20th 2004, 11:53am

Tony, I have been using checkinstall for a little while now. It is excellent. There are a couple of issues that I have been trying to resovev and they are me keeping track of packages and the system keeping track of packages. Swaret is helping me do this. You specify the repositories that you wish to use, be they local or remote, and Swaret manages the situation for you.

It seems that the general advice that I have read is that it is best to use either source or packages. Combining the two can break the system because the package system will not know where the source files have been installed. Using checkinstall and Swaret allow the mix of source and packages because the source is being installed as a package. Having said all of that, I recently installed a package with checkinstall and then updated Swaret, did a search for the package I had installed and it couldn't find it. Maybe I have totally misunderstood this :?
Alan Lakin


Monday, March 8th 2004, 3:28am

Hey alakin,

Using checkinstall after './configure && make' from source, the packages will get recorded. To find out which packages are installed, run this command: ls -l /var/log/packages | less
This will list all the packages that were installed either from a slackware package or using checkinstall.

HTH :)
How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.