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Saturday, April 19th 2003, 2:51pm

Error while initializing sound device

At times, not always, when I log on and KDE starts up,
I have this error message:
Sound server informational message:
Error while initializing the sound driver:
device /dev/dsp can't be opened (No such device)
The sound server will continue, using the null output device.
I use RedHat 9 and an MSI mainboard with a Via KT333 chipset / AMD XP1800+ cpu / ALC650 sound chip. Earlier versions of RedHat did not recognize this soundchip so I used a Soundblaster card instead. RH 9 accepts the ALC650. The startup problem was the same with the Soundblaster card.

If I log out of KDE and log on again, the error does not reappear and the sound is ok.

Any ideas anyone?


Sunday, April 20th 2003, 6:38pm

so do you have a soundblaster card? is it the Live or PCI512 series? if so use the kernel module EMU10K1 (it should come with ur distro) insmod EMU10K1 or something.

however, its also a question of permissions, whenever i do a fresh install of debian i get that same thing in KDE, id try these steps, they worked for me.

you'll probably need to find your mixer device, which is probably /dev/sound/mixer or /dev/mixer, then make a symbolic link. (ln -s originalfile newfile)

once thats made make sure the mixer/dsp devices are chmod 777 so everybody can enjoy the wealth.

if you can tell me more about your situation (are you root, what kernel modules are installed)


Sunday, April 20th 2003, 8:27pm

Sound device initialization

I have removed the Soundblaster card because RH 9 accepts the on board ALC650 chip. When initialization fails I just log out and in again and the device then always works.
My Linux installation is the straightforward recent RedHat 9 distribution, with no kernel modules added. I did chmod 777 /dev/dsp but this did not remove the problem. I have now keyed in chmod 777 /dev/mixer, too, so I'll see what happens.
I usually log in with my own username - not root.


Monday, April 21st 2003, 9:00pm

okay, maybe redhat claims they support it but the soundblaster series of sound products are well known and definetly supported in the linux world. i think you'll be better off by using your soundblaster for now because it will save you going about finding the right info to configure your sound chip.

when you log into root do u get the same problem?


Monday, April 21st 2003, 10:29pm

I removed the Soundblaster card just to check whether the on-board audio chip would work with RH9. And it does - in the same way as the Soundblaster card. With the same init error - which is not there when I log off/on a second time.
Yes, the problem is there when I log on as root, too.
It is obviously a startup problem; when the error message does not appear the sound is beautifully present, loud and clear.