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Wednesday, May 19th 2004, 10:35am

Yahoo plugin does not detect disconnect

I compiled kopete version 0.8.0 for KDE 3.1.4 on SuSE 9.0, and have been using it quite happily for some time. However, I tend to leave my computer up for months at a time, and so kopete is also up for months at a time. When a connection is lost on msn or jabber, I get a warning that this has occured. However, if I leave kopete logged into yahoo overnight, it will disconnect (i.e. to everyone else I seem to be offline) but there is no warning. Also, I loose the ability to detect when my yahoo contacts go online/offline, and I do not receive messages, even though the "online" icon is "lit" in the lower right hand corner of the kopete window. The last state my contancts where in is still displayed, but it will not update. Setting "offline" and "available" again reconnects, other people can see me, and I get an updated status for everyone else, but I don't know when I need to force a reconnect, because I get no warning when kopete disconnects. Anyone else have this problem? Is this fixed in 0.8.1? (I scanned through the bug list, but I didn't see any obvious match.)