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Thursday, June 26th 2003, 12:17pm

Pet Peeve


I have a pet peeve I need to get off my chest. Why do so many forums, this one included, label me as a beginner or newbie? I have been using Linux for 4 years and hardly call myself a newbie.



Thursday, June 26th 2003, 2:11pm

I see your point, but since joining the forum does not request you to provide your Linux/kde experience there is no way to reflect experience. I believe it is a reflection of your experience on the forum just like the progress bars and levels.

I agree that "label" may be misleading, but as you make more posts to the site it will change.


Thursday, June 26th 2003, 11:49pm

Maybe the term "New Member" would be most accurate?
"Chopsticks require a person to use 64 muscles and 30 articulate movements simultaneously, which also acts in developing brain potential."




Friday, June 27th 2003, 1:12pm


I added before every rank forum so you're now a
Forum Beginner
Forum .....

Maybe there will be a change again soon but this is OK at the moment, or?


Friday, June 27th 2003, 9:03pm

I geuss it's a good solution.
"Chopsticks require a person to use 64 muscles and 30 articulate movements simultaneously, which also acts in developing brain potential."