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Thursday, November 20th 2003, 12:54pm

MDK 9.2 power down doens't work

Hi, I just installed MDK 9.2 on a second pc, the shutdown works fine, all processes are killed with at th eend the line "power down" The drives shut down, but the system doesn't power off, anyone knows how to solve this ? Tnx :(



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Friday, November 21st 2003, 1:06pm

possibly because your motherboard on that computer does not support soft-power off. How old is the motherboard? What are the specs?


Monday, November 24th 2003, 6:30am

seb's right. It's probably due to an old motherboard. It works on all my systems except one with a dual Pentium II motherboard. Go figure. But then again, I'm running MDK 9.1.
"Chopsticks require a person to use 64 muscles and 30 articulate movements simultaneously, which also acts in developing brain potential."


Wednesday, February 18th 2004, 7:15pm


What version of the Linux kernel are you running? Because I know that kernel 2.6.0-1mdk had this problem on my laptop. The stable kernel (2.4.22-10mdk) worked perfectly in contrast.

I ended up reverting to the 2.4.22-10mdk kernel because on my system, not only did power down not work correctly, but ethernet didn't either. I had to manually turn ethernet on to get an internet connection with kernel 2.6.0-1mdk. I haven't tried upgrading to a later version of the kernel yet, but the upgrade isn't that critical to me, since I'll be switching to a brand new laptop in a few months, and perhaps by then Mandrake 10 will be available.
There is a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.


Monday, February 23rd 2004, 12:20am

It's most likely a motherboard problem if your computer is an old one, so just press the power button. Did it work before?
"Chopsticks require a person to use 64 muscles and 30 articulate movements simultaneously, which also acts in developing brain potential."


Friday, March 19th 2004, 8:21pm

This happens on my comp that is running suse linux 9.0. The proccesor is the old AMD-K6iii. It just reaches runlevel 0 and then sits there, then i power it off manually. It can reset right though :roll: