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Wednesday, March 3rd 2004, 4:18pm

Cursor grabbing icons by mistake in FC1...

Guys, some help please...

First - the systems involved: one desktop and one laptop using FC1.
Second - the problem: since updating to KDE version 3.1.5, we have noticed a dramatic increase in the way the cursor grabs icons by mistake when using Konqeror! All that is necessary to have this happen is to move the cursor over an icon and the icon is picked up by mistake. (BTW, we use double-click action, not single-click!)

This occurs with both a mouse and a laptop's touchpad and it doesn't happen all times but it does indeed happen way too often. So far we have been lucky in that nothing was moved out of place but it just a matter of time!!!

I have seen this problem mentioned in another post on the 'net (not here!) but have never come across a fix, or even a reason why it occurs.

Any ideas???

Thanks in advance...