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Thursday, May 1st 2003, 1:43am

only red screen on kde


i am currectly very new to the world of linux, and has just installed mandrake 9.1. after setup, i tried to access kde from my root account. but when it lauches from startx, all i seee is just one big piece of red screen with my cursor as a watch.....

wats wrong? and could it be my graphics card or monitor config error during installation???



Sunday, May 11th 2003, 10:14pm

Solution is quite simple, don't use kde as a root.
KDE is not meant to be used as root.
Lgin as user, work as a user, and use kdesu to maintain the system as root.

The red color is probably your Desktop background as root.
Lots of distro's use a red background for root to emphasize the fact that you should not run it as root.

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