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Monday, February 17th 2003, 8:08pm

Problem with font installer

Hello, I'm using the KDE that becomes with Red Hat 8.0 and I've got a problem when I try to install new fonts.
I go to Control Center -> System, but menu for install fonts does not appear.

What can I do?

I'm logged as root.



Tuesday, February 18th 2003, 9:14am

rh8 == broken kde

that's because Red Hat 8 comes with a new and different font system. and instead of working with the KDE community to get patches for the font installer together, they simply disabled it (as they did with many other things :( ).

i'm sure kfontinst will work with this new font system as it becomes more common. in the meantime Red Hat 8 users will continue to scratch their head wondering where this standard KDE functionality is. it's sort of funny; some people say Red Hat didn't break KDE and in this case they are mostly right: Red Hat didn't break it, they simply didn't make it work. :roll:

in any case, you can simply put your new fonts in your ~/.fonts directory and X will pick them up.



Tuesday, February 18th 2003, 1:33pm

Re: rh8 == broken kde

It 'll take True Types automatically?


Original von aseigo

that's because Red Hat 8 comes with a new and different font system. and instead of working with the KDE community to get patches for the font installer together, they simply disabled it (as they did with many other things :( ).

i'm sure kfontinst will work with this new font system as it becomes more common. in the meantime Red Hat 8 users will continue to scratch their head wondering where this standard KDE functionality is. it's sort of funny; some people say Red Hat didn't break KDE and in this case they are mostly right: Red Hat didn't break it, they simply didn't make it work. :roll:

in any case, you can simply put your new fonts in your ~/.fonts directory and X will pick them up.