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Wednesday, July 21st 2004, 4:02am

[Kopete] Could Something Like Phonegaim be Added?

This sounds VERY interesting...

I greatly prefer Kopete over Gaim. Could a voice module be added to Kopete, using some of Phonegaim's (open) code? I'm assuming the SIP/VoIP parts should be toolkit agnostic.


Wednesday, July 28th 2004, 1:26am

Netmeeting plugin

A similar functionality can be offered by the Kopete plugin 'Netmeeting', although I haven't tried it yet but it shows up in the kopete that comes with KDE 3.3 beta2.

The description says 'Use Gnomemeeting with MSN Messenger' and if it works as promised, it would be a step ahead of phonegaim since this would now allow audio as well video chat!

In fact, I would like someone to reply about their experience with this plugin of kopete!!

How come I can never come up with something original as my signature?