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Tuesday, March 2nd 2004, 4:05am

Konqueror opens *.tar.gz instead of downloading

Konqueror, as a browser, instead of giving you a chance to download a compressed file, opens it immediately. If it is a direct link, fine. I can still right-click and save. But, if it is some kind of a script (php) that returns the file, that will just offer the script itself for download. I couldn't find anywhere the option of turning this weird behaviour off. The only way to download this kind of a file using Konqueror is by dragging the link onto the KGet drop target. Without KGet it was not possible at all. It would be nice to be able to just click and save. I, really, see no use for this feature. Does anybody know whether this can somehow be turned off?



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Tuesday, March 2nd 2004, 9:43am

try and change the file associations for tar.gz files. make sure the "view in embedded viewer" is not selected.


Wednesday, March 3rd 2004, 7:33pm

That's not it. I had already chacked that. There is nothing associated with this file type.