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Tuesday, February 24th 2004, 12:52pm

KMyFirewall. doesn't work: anybody help pls? SOLVED

I have installed KMyFirewall from rpm, and configured - seems to be working properly, for while checking with nmap, nmap shows the 'host is down' results. That would be fantastic, if it was all there is... after a while, say - 10 minutes, I run checkup - first with ShieldsUp on the site and the result is less than satisfactory - shows open ports. So I run Nmap again and I can see a lot of open ports. After that I open KMyFirewall, tell it to run and install, and than Nmap shows one again, that my ports are invisible.

Is there a logical explanation to that problem? I'd be obliged.

thanx for '0' level answers here. I got it from another forum. It is solved.
best regs
and now for something completely different

Best regards