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Sunday, December 28th 2003, 3:51am

Installion Complications

I just got Mandrake Linux 9.0, and being so used to Trillian, I just can't stand the one-protocol chat progs. So I downloaded Kopete 0.7.4 for SuSe i586 RPM (tried the older versions for Mandrake, but I got a broken link) and I keep getting this message when installing the RPM:
Conflicts were detected: is needed by kopete-0.7.4-1
Install aborted
Now if anybody would happen to know how I can get my hands on that library, I'll give ya a sticker. Thanks for helping the n00bs.

Btw, you can always IM me @ Joelc512 if you feel the need.


Sunday, December 28th 2003, 6:10am

Even if SuSE also uses RPMs, it is not RedHat-oriented, so mostly RPM from Redhat's world (RH, Mandrake) do not work with SuSE and vice-versa.

Have a nice day!


Sunday, December 28th 2003, 6:52pm

Ok, first things first, although an rpm is an rpm, there are distinct differences between the way redhat, suse, and mandrake are setup, so binary rpms for one will not work most of the time for the other two, especially when its a program that relies heavily on the location the distro chooses to put kde in.

This rpm found on should solve your dependency problem.

Once you install that I suggest either you find a kopete rpm that was built specifically for mandrake, or you compile kopete from source.