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Thursday, October 28th 2004, 8:51pm

Backwords compatable panel problem

We have a cluster of computers, all but one running either Madrake 8.2 with KDE 2.2.2 or Madrake 10 with KDE 3.2-79MDK. We cannot upgrade some of the computers to the newer verison due to legacy problems and this has created a problem with panels between the two versions. When a user switches from one version to the other the terminal emulation button, pager, systray and taskbar disappear. We were able to fix this for when a user goes from v2.2.2 to 3.2 by running a setenv KDEHOME $HOME/.kde3 line in the general .cshrc file which is host specific for the comps using 3.2. However this kind of fix does not work when a user goes from v3.2 to 2.2.2, and nothing I have tried can keep these applets in the panel when going backwards in versions. Is there an elegant solution to this problem?

Thanks in advance.



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Location: Graz, Austria

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Saturday, October 30th 2004, 4:00pm

What happens if you move the KDE2 config into a different KDEHOME as well, lets say .kde2

Maybe something is broken and accesses configs under .kde even when KDEHOME is set.

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User


Monday, November 1st 2004, 10:13pm

Actually making a .kde2 for older kde and .kde3 for new made things worse and the new kde loses it panel items.