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Wednesday, March 24th 2004, 1:47pm

I want to stop updatebd from starting automaticly

Hi, when I use the file finder, there is a use index check box. If I click on the ? button then on the checkbox it says something like : use index blah blah blah, you must run updatedb from time to time. Well once I had this checked but not anymore.

Still at seemingly random intervals my machine gets really slow, when this happens if I check my process tables updatedb is there taking up valuable cpu time. When updatedb isn't running my machine is faster.

How do I make it so updatedb just don't start like this ?
Does updatedb do anything apart from speeding up searches ?



Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

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Wednesday, March 24th 2004, 2:40pm

usually updatedb runs as a cron job.
Check your distributions cron job directories for a link to updatedb.
Usually /etc/cron.XXX
where XXX is daily or weekly or monthly

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User


Monday, March 29th 2004, 6:03am

If I remove the script altogether will things still be ok or should I move it from daily to something like montly ?



Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

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Monday, March 29th 2004, 8:25pm

You can remove the link or script, but I think it doesn't hurt to have it run now and then.

Really speeds up searching using locate or that KFind option you mentioned

Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User


Monday, March 29th 2004, 9:39pm

One thing I never understand is why my Kfind doesn't seem to be able to find the updatedb database. When I click on "use files index," the search still takes pretty long, whereas when I open a command line and use the locate command it's instant. Is there a place in the Control Center where I have to set the location of the files index? Thanks.



Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

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Monday, March 29th 2004, 10:36pm

Sorry no idea, I seldom use GUI tools when I know the respective commandline tool.
Old habits :)
Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User