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Wednesday, December 3rd 2003, 9:24am

control center problem

Hi there... listen an strange problem.... My control center works fine for the root user. When i start control center for my user.... Control center appears with 6 selections in the left columns. These selection are completely blank ! ........
I dont know why.
I tried to run it from console and no error is shown..... I think that a hidden file must be missing from the home directory......
Any suggestion?


Wednesday, December 3rd 2003, 12:28pm

Near the solution?

Hi again... i think that i found something else.... I have created a new user and his control center launched succesfully.... I was wondering if a (hidden) file would be missing from the user that his control center launchs blank... Any kde expert could be very useful


Wednesday, December 3rd 2003, 12:30pm


Sorry :oops: :oops: i forgot........... suse 9.0