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  • "anda_skoa" started this thread

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Location: Graz, Austria

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Tuesday, September 28th 2004, 11:11pm

Using qmake as a build system for KDE apps

Ian Geiser posted a blog entry about using qmake to generate Makefiles for KDE projects instead of the more complex and comlicated autotools framework usually used:

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Wednesday, September 29th 2004, 9:12am

RE: Using qmake as a build system for KDE apps

This is great news! I think that many newcommers see the auto tools as a huge overkill and a problem.

Qmake on the other hand is just plain simple.



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Wednesday, September 29th 2004, 1:39pm

Is that really news?? 8o
I was sure everyone was doing this!
That's why I made my small *.pro file wizard - qmake just take all the trouble of creating a make file, and not only for Qt or KDE - but any application.
I am using it all the time.
All though I got an idea from reading Geiseri's blog - I could add the KDE enviornment option (checkbox) to the pro file wizard (now the user needs to know and add the paths just like any other lib)... (another point to my never ending TODO list.... :rolleyes: ) :D

Naaaa... on second thought, I guess I missunderstood what its all about here...
Click here! I dare ya'!! :]
Project Archimedes
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  • "anda_skoa" started this thread

Posts: 1,273

Location: Graz, Austria

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Wednesday, September 29th 2004, 5:31pm

The "new" thing is how to use kde-config to get the relevant information about KDE.

I tried this myself from the KDE plugin of QDS, but didn't get it to work.
With such a good example as in Ian's blog, it becomes trivial.

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