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Saturday, December 6th 2008, 12:05am

KDE 4.2(?) Feature Info

Hi . . .

I don't know which forum grouping wants to claim ownership of this query so please feel free to move this post.

I have been reluctant to load KDE 4.0 because of one feature it is/was lacking.

... the slideshow desktop

I have a few thousand graphics from years gone by and so far with 3.5 I have been able to load them as a desktop slideshow with a one minute interval. 4.0 has not implemented this yet.

Until now, maybe.

I checked the feature list and I found that 4.2 would implement this. I have read that the icons would be found in a folder instead of on the desktop and it was this folder that would contain a slideshow (plugin?).

I use my machine for some business so loading a beta of anything is too risky for me. Can anyone who has the beta 4.2 loaded tell me if the desktop can hold icons versus the 'desktop folder' and if the desktop background can be turned into a fully functioning slideshow?
