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Wednesday, September 24th 2008, 4:20pm

how can i have KDE 1.1 look-and-feel from KDE 4.1 in less than 5 minutes

A question can interest lots of KDE users: how can i configure KDE 4.1, in less than 5 minutes, for having it with all the exact look-and-feel of KDE 1.1, in simple configuration steps? It's really missing the speed and simplicity of the good times of the excellent and very missing KDE 1.1 version...


Friday, September 26th 2008, 9:53pm

I would love to know that, too. All this fading, slow resizing and visual feedback is really annoying.


Saturday, September 27th 2008, 6:25pm

I would love to know that, too. All this fading, slow resizing and visual feedback is really annoying.

Whatabout: switch off OpenGL, change style and disable all desktop effects?

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