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Friday, September 12th 2008, 4:07am


I have been using KDE since the the start (1996). What made KDE great was the ability to easily customize many things. This helped appeal to a larger audience. I love KDE but let your users command it. If I want what everyone else is eating I might as well use windows.

I love the new eye candy and the new look. But its always the little things that make it great. Something as simple as setting a background color in dolphin or even wallpapering it.

I hate the new menu. It really isn't efficient to go flipping through to find my app. I prefer to just mouse over as in the classic view. I dont know if this has been fixed so fogive me. The classic menu causes the Wm to crash (OFTEN)

I applaud your effort and love your drive to innovate the desktop. Keep that up. As a hard core linux user I love the cafateria style linux brings. The ability to pick and choose how things look and what apps I want to run.