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Tuesday, September 9th 2008, 12:04am

Small KDE 4.1.1 annoyances

Hi, there are some small things in KDE 4.1.1 that turn out to be rather annoying... Is there any possibility that they'll get fixed, or some of them that may be intentional behaviour, can be made optional?

What's your opinion on these things?

I made some images describing the problems :)

If some of the images below look scaled or cropped, right click on it and choose "view image" or similar, because just left clicking on them will open imageshack... In firefox 3 it actually crops some of the images I posted below so be sure to right click and choose "view image" on all of them!

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aardwolf" (Sep 9th 2008, 12:10am)


Thursday, September 11th 2008, 12:32pm

Does anyone else see these things as issues? Like the difficult way of selecting files in the filemanager, limited taskbar broken treeview and annoying autoscroll behaviour?

Because the problem is that all these issues are just small behavioural things (that still make a big difference to me), instead of "features".

And KDE 4 has enough features for me, just bad behaviour. But the focus seems to be still on new features for future versions! The behaviour of base features is also very important though...

So I fear nothing will actually change about these things.

Most of these things worked good in KDE 3.5... So I wish KDE 4 had been KDE 3.5 with Qt4 and fancier Window rendering (the new KWin), then all these difficulties wouldn't have been there.


Thursday, September 11th 2008, 1:38pm

Two things you can add to that: middle-click in a scroll bar does not move the view to that point, which just so happens to be contrary to *every* other Unix GUI program in existence, and there is no way to move widgets around to specific places on the panel, so I've got the system tray icons centered across the top of the screen, and empty space between the clock and the right edge.

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