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Tuesday, July 29th 2008, 4:53am

Is there any way to set mouse wheel to scroll one screen at a time?

I prefer scrolling one screen at a time with the mouse wheel when reading web pages and documents. Is there any way in KDE (using kubuntu, KDE 3.5) to set the mouse wheel to scroll one screen at a time instead of a fixed number of lines? Are there any linux apps that could do this if not KDE itself.

If not explicitly, is there a way to set the mouse wheel detents to pgup and pgdn? Lastly, if there is no way to do this in KDE globally, does anyone know if it is possible to do this in Firefox, since most of my reading is on the web.



Tuesday, July 29th 2008, 8:16am

In systemsettings -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Advanced you can set how the scrollwheel behaves. Though you cannot set a site explictly, you can play with it and see if you come near it.

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