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Sunday, July 27th 2008, 2:56pm

Help, KDE and keyboards

Hi everyone.

I have a Logitech S510 Wireless keyboard mouse combo that has worked since the day I installed slackware / KDE pretty flawlessly, up until about a month ago. What I'm getting is really, really weird.

At random, I'll be in KDE, and my keyboard will decide to stop working. I know you're thinking "It's the batteries" but that and moving the wireless sensor around was the very first thing I tried. After some experimenting I found that if I *hold down* a key, it will register after a delay and begin repeating itself, but not if I just tap it as in normal typing.

The other strange thing is that when I close KDE, the keyboard works flawlessly in terminal mode. I restart KDE back up and suddenly the keyboard works again, and stays working for sometimes a couple of days, or sometimes just a few hours.

*edit* I'm running a recent slackware distribution with KDE 3.5. I forget what slackware it is, but it's probably 4 months old or so. */edit*

Does anyone have any ideas? I'm pretty new to linux overall, I can function / get around but I'll probably need step-by-step instructions if anyone has something that's super complicated.

Thank you in advance! :)
