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  • "mouseman" started this thread

Posts: 2

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Thursday, February 7th 2008, 5:22pm

Kicker disappeard in KDE 4

Hi all,

I've installed kde4 on debian experimental when there wasn't global package for kde4. At this time almost everything worked. Now, there is a kde package in apt repository, so I have installed it too. After doing it my kicker (??don't know the name in KDE4) disappeared and i don't know how to get it again.
I've only insert K menu as widget on my desktop.

Please help me.



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Thursday, April 10th 2008, 2:27am

Same Problem

Hi, I'm having a similar problem. I'm using kubntu 7.10 and I used the "update" instructions to get KDE 4 along KDE3 in the Kubuntu page, and it was all a mess because after doing it, updating using Adept and rebooting, I wasn't unable to open a session after a reboot, cause it seems to be that KDM4 wasn't working well. I uninstalled KDE4 and everything related, restored my KDE 3, and again tried to install KDE4, only that using the KDM ( from kde 3) this time, and it seems to work fine, but my taskbar (Seems to be named "kicker", sorry, I'm newbe) is missing! When I used this new kde4 before I restarted my machine before all the mess, I saw a black toolbar that got corrupted when I tried to change it's size. Now it doesn't seems to be anywhere. I launched "kicker" and now it has appeared the KDE 3 toolbar, and now my desktop seems to be a kind of hybrid... I'm just trying this "new" Kde, so I wold like to see how it behaves being the most "pure" as possible...

Anyway, it runs exasperatingly slow in comparison with KDE3 (even turning off the animations), I don't even know if it's really using the graphic accelerator "restricted" driver it's supposed to be using, an now this stuff of the toolbar...


Thursday, April 10th 2008, 2:29pm

Unfortunately, I've also been having problems with Adept's version upgrade. I think it's a problem in adept itself, so from now on I've used:

Source code

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Since I've started using that, I've had no problems.
Unfortunately, I've not had the same problem as you...
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Posts: 2

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Friday, April 11th 2008, 4:09am

This problem Solved, new one arised

i, I've found the solution... and I have to say it should be easier to find this information, but it isn't... I've found in the FAQ from "Plasma Project" (So it wasn't kicker after all...), the answer) to the problem...
It was necessary to delete the configuration of the Plasma Environment, and then restart the session...
By the way, It wasn't easy to install the latest drivers for the NVIDIA card mentioned in that page because I already have the "Restricted NVIDIA drivers" using Adept and the control panel... I had troubles and my X server died a couple of times even when the NVIDIA ".run" install told me everything was beautiful, but after all I found It was a conflict with the old driver an it was fixed by first uninstalling the Nvidia restricted driver. Then It worked fine...
But just right now I'm experiencing problems with it, it seems to have several failures (Version 169.12), so my taskbar is having graphical issues and the "jumping launching application cursor" is a fuzzy square of jumping colors...


Friday, April 11th 2008, 9:38am

Hmm, odd - I've not had any problems like that and this laptop is 5 years old O.o
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