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Thursday, February 7th 2008, 2:54pm

Speed SERIUS problem

Ok, seens I'm the only one with this problem...

I'm a programmer, so I need to compile things, almost all the time. Problem is, on KDE 4.0.0, when I activate "Desktop Effects" (composite manager) and start to compile something, everything slows down to a crawl. This does not happen with kompmgr (composite manager for kde 3.5.7), bling (for enlightenment), nor compiz/beryl.

So, what's wrong? Is there any way to implement a "exposeƩ"-like interface on kompmgr, so I could use it on my plain old KDE3 (which, by the way, is waaaay faster than KDE4)?


Thursday, February 14th 2008, 3:47pm

My computer is a bit old so it's not very useful to know that kde4 runs a bit slowly.

I guess you could try playing with the niceness of the WM or the compiling process? Compiz used to have a problem where it clogged up the CPU when any effect was used on nvidia cards, it could be a similar issue.