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Thursday, January 24th 2008, 3:42am

[Kopete] - can not connect to MSN.


I don't know where to really start, but I'm using Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy, with KDE4 - using Kopete 0.50.0.

I can NOT connect to MSN at all. I have typed my user/pass 100 times, I know it's not that. As a matter of fact - when I uninstall Kopete 0.50, and install the OLDER edition - it connects to MSN right away. Additionally, I can login to my MSN account with Windows Messenger, too. It's not an internet problem - because Kopete connects to my AIM, too.

Where could I even possibly start?

When it tries to connect, it just says 'Connecting..' and never connects. I did not edit any of the settings, just input my e-mail, and pass.


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "wastedfluid" (Jan 25th 2008, 1:08am)