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  • "alexander.yin" started this thread

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Location: Nordic Area

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Tuesday, January 22nd 2008, 6:40pm

Newbie question about language installing


I am using a Slackware kernel KDE. In the control center, there is only US English as the language option. However, I want to install other languages like Chinese, Finnish and Swedish as well. I have downloaded a Chinese package called "kde-i18n-zh_CN-3.5.7" and extracted it to the home directory. Then, I run the "configure" and "make" commands successfully without any error. However, after reboot the system, nothing happens in the language selection panel. For Finnish and Swedish, since they are also Roman alphabet based languages, the problem is not that severe. But for Chinese, a lot of things cannot be displayed on the English version KDE. Could somebody tell me how can I solve this problem in detail or show me any document that I can refer?

Thank you.