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Friday, December 21st 2007, 3:53pm

kstart: how to script bringing an app to the top / regain focus ?


i'm building a simple laptop for my mom (mandriva 2008.0, kde) for running kmail and firefox.

i have two icons on the panel, one for kmail, and one for firefox.

both apps will run maximised.

i'd like to configure the icons so that if kmail is not running, it is started, and the window brough to the top.

if kmail is already running, i'd like the focus to change to kmail, but i don't want a second instance run.

same for firefox.

i guess the functionality is similar to pressing alt-tab.

i'm basically trying to make it as easy as possible for my Mum to run kmail and firefox, and to switch between the two.

i had hoped to use kstart to help me withh this, but i cannot for the life of me get kmail or firefox to come to the front / top.

the kstart command i'm using is as follows:

kstart -- title Kmail --window Mkail --activate kmail

if anyone has any experience of scripting application switching / focus, i'd be very grateful for some help!

maybe kstart is not the tool to use?

thanks for your time,
