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Sunday, November 25th 2007, 12:53am

writing to rewriteable optical media

Are there any plans to integrate packet writing to DVD-+RW discs into KDE? Both KDE and Gnome always seem to treat rewriteable media as read only - you can view but you cant write. With each new release of KDE i keep hoping this issue will be fixed, but years go by and nothing gets done. Optical support now is as bad as it was many years ago.

The software to write to this kind of media exists within the kernel and has done so for some time. It can be done from the command line. How hard can it be to add it to KDE?

Also it would be nice if the ability to format rewriteable media with UDF filesystem were part of the GUI, rather than have to do it using the command line.

Its kind of ironic that with the internet I can send data to the other side of the planet, but cant send data to a device inside my own computer.
