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  • "mcz" started this thread

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Friday, September 21st 2007, 8:06am


I want Konqueror, Konqueror and Konqueror again.
As file manager and as browser. And complete.

And I would like to know how can I deactivate the Desktop Toolbox.

Please save Konqueror. Sign the petition on:


Tuesday, November 27th 2007, 9:17pm


I hated Dolphin at first, but I guess it's okay, and I might even use it from time to time, but I finally had to uninstall it because EVERY FREAKING THING that I clicked on opened in Dolphin, including things that I clicked on in Konquerer! I can only speak for myself, but if you really want me to give Dolphin a chance, you've got to give me the option of choosing Konqueror as a default, so I can experiment with Dolphin, instead of trying to force me to radically change my work method with a mandatory default that has to be reset again and again for every file format, or chosen at every click.

I can see how Dolphin could be more hospitable for new users, and that's important-- but I've been using Konqueror for five years, and I know where the shortcuts are kept. I'm not willing to sacrifice a whole lot of power at the desktop in order for what I already know to be made more obvious.

I signed the petition, and I will do my best to circulate it.


I just spent an hour trying to change the defaults, and I couldn't do it. (Of course, that doesn't mean that it can't be done)! Part of the problem may be that Kubuntu has sought to "simplify" the traditional KDE control center, and I wasn't able to find anything about file associations. And so, once again, I had to uninstall dolphin.

The worst part is that I like dolphin, I'd like to be able to use it sometimes, , but I simply can't allow it on my computer as long as it's going to continue to tell me what to do.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "blackbelt_jones" (Nov 27th 2007, 11:52pm)


Thursday, November 29th 2007, 7:18am

Well, one of the developers has assured me that no significant changes are in the works for Konqueror, and taking him at his word allows me to relax. That's good, because I was taking this way too seriously. The 3 or 4 days since I first discovered dolphin in my Kubuntu Desktop, and read the menacing annoucement from march have been the first time ever when I was beginning to question whether my interest in gnu/linux was entirely healthy. Spend enough time really getting into Konqueror, and Konqueror starts to feel like a part of you, like a limb, and suggestions that your limb "may be adjusted" can be traumatic. That's an overreaction, no doubt about it. It's not a limb; it's software... and software is always changing.

The article from March was alarming, but today I am told that the consensus from KDE is to retain the integrity of Konqueror. And if that's true, that means that I can get behind Dolphin 100 percent, and even use it from time to time. It's actually quite good, and I have discovered at least one feature that I completely love, the "Open as Root" button. Finally: a simple, direct way to use root access graphically! I 've always wanted to see something like this.

Konqueror is still the King... but all hail the new Dauphin!


Monday, December 31st 2007, 12:01pm

If I recall correctly, Kubuntu has this feature of "edit as root" in konqueror since a very long time now, it is soooooooooooooo usefull, so even there it beats the hell out of Dolphin :D.



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Wednesday, January 2nd 2008, 8:38am

as this is my first post in this forum, i hope not to sound too cheeky, but i think you are mixing things up, which are related but not the essential reason.
Because KDE4 is still beta and so, there are very few people that work out usefull default settings. Your distribution will sooner or later create these defaults and either you like them or you switch to another distribution or tweak the setting to your liking. I doubt that KDE4 will be up and running from the very beginning as was KDE3 was not what you see know as it was released.
People should really value a beta status as a fairly simple setup to look for errors not for the best setup, which is by no means achiveable for each and every user.

cheers Micha

Btw. Happy New Year!


Wednesday, January 2nd 2008, 8:48am

KDE 4 is now in Release Candidate, which means that it should be something that actually already is worth releasing, but that they just didn't release it yet to be sure there's nothing they overlooked. That's completely different than a beta version which is known to contain bugs, this RC is not quite near finished, but well, I'm still anxious to see how KDE 4.0 will act :D.



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Wednesday, January 2nd 2008, 5:49pm

You are right, i di not mean to call it unstable. What i thought was that every distribution has their way to configure the desktop (and the *buntus are notorious for tweaking the desktops to their liking and their users). But you can change a lot afterwards.
For instance my small distribution sidux is shipping with a KDE 3.5.8 desktop only, but i tweaked it to look like Gnome with two panels, main panel top and taskbar at the bottom 8) .

greetings Micha



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Thursday, January 3rd 2008, 12:19pm


Originally posted by blackbelt_jonesKonqueror is still the King... but all hail the new Dauphin!

hear hear!
running on Debian Etch



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Saturday, January 12th 2008, 3:04pm


I've been looking at KDE4 in a VM. It's pretty. It may attract new users simply by the look. I'm concerned that it has a similar look to that new M$ desktop.

When I upgraded to Kubuntu 7.10, Dolphin became the default file manager. I tried to use it, but the first thing I do with Konqueror after an installation is configure it to have all folders in the left panel and my files/subfolders in the right. I can't find a way to do that with Dolphin. If there is a way, please make it obvious, if not, I'll never use it. That's why I never use Nautilus. I prefer drag and drop inside 1 window, not having to open multiple windows to copy files, or copy, then paste. Navigation should not require a back button.

With the exception of the one feature I want for Dolhpin (I can disable all the screen candy), I think KDE4 will work well as the next generation window manager. I guess I'll get used to the new K Menu style, but for me...the widgets gotta go. :)

Good job to the team!



Tuesday, February 19th 2008, 1:31am

When I first installed Kubuntu Gutsy (a horrible buggy upgrade IMHO), Dolphin was indeed the default file manager. I simply used synaptic to completely remove it which caused KDE to default right back to Konquerer. Would not the same thing happen in 4.0 since Konquerer can still be used as a file manager in the absence of Dolphin?