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Tuesday, June 5th 2007, 11:16pm

Indic (Devanagari) text rendering improperly

EDIT: Sorry, this appears to be a Mozilla problem, as Konq works correctly.

Indic (specifically devanagari) text isn't rendering properly on my out-of-the-box Kubuntu installation, using KDE 3.5.6.

The proper fonts are installed because the text does render, it just doesn't render correctly; the infixes are misplaced. For those who know Devanagari, the problem is that the attached vowels show up in the wrong place (the first "i" vowel in "Hindi" renders to the right of the attached consonant rather than to the left, for instance).

I've read the "Multilingual support (Indic)" page on wikipedia (…ort_%28Indic%29) and all it says is that "you don't need to do anything" to use Indic text on KDE. Unfortunately this is not quite the whole story, and there are no suggestions for troubleshooting. I also couldn't find anything from a couple of searches both in this forum and in the docs.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "rkent" (Jun 5th 2007, 11:28pm)