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  • "speedygeo" started this thread

Posts: 6

Location: Italy

Occupation: Teacher

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Monday, May 14th 2007, 5:20am

Kooka crash

Kooka crash on startup in my Kubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn.
Can anyone help me?
I love [KDE], GNU, Debian and sidux!


Monday, May 14th 2007, 8:37am

you could try removing ~/.kde/share/config/kookarc to see if that helps.
if not, check if your kde installation is corrupted or not...
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  • "speedygeo" started this thread

Posts: 6

Location: Italy

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Monday, May 14th 2007, 8:38pm

I think I'll reinstall Kubuntu. The file you suggest don't exist
I love [KDE], GNU, Debian and sidux!



  • "speedygeo" started this thread

Posts: 6

Location: Italy

Occupation: Teacher

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Monday, May 14th 2007, 8:39pm

Do you know any app to auto reinstall the same packages I have know installed?
I love [KDE], GNU, Debian and sidux!