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Sunday, May 6th 2007, 10:25pm

Mounting remote home causes problems


I have been experimenting with mounting my home directory at work on top of my home directory at home using NFS and some security solution.

The mouting itself is not a problem, and I can use this solution with fluxbox or xfce, but not with KDE.

At mountpoint the home directory is empty.

When it's mounted, and I start KDE, I get the following error:

Could not read network connection list.

I need to understand what is causing this problem and what it means. Any ideas?

Best and kind regards,


Monday, May 7th 2007, 12:13am

recently, others reported problems with kde-home on nfs, and fixed it.
Try finding their topic about this issue.
Help mee om KDE 3.5.5 in het Nederlands te vertalen


Monday, May 7th 2007, 12:13pm

I have searched the forum for issues with NFS but I have found no solution to my problem.

Any ideas why I get this error?