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  • "Fartash" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: Iran

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Tuesday, April 24th 2007, 8:27pm

[krfb] How can I allow multiple connections?

I've searched all over the internet about this topic but couldn't find anything so tried to post it here.
now that's the question: Why doesn't krfb allow multiple connections?
when I start krfb on a system in a LAN network, there is nothing wrong with any of the other systems to make a connection to it through krdc but that's goes wrong when the clients become more than one. when i tried to run krdc on the second machine i've got a message that says the vnc server doesn't support more connections. but why? and how can i make it to do it?
there is somthing more that i've found this morning. because i have suse 10.1 on all of of my machines in the LAN network so i have sax2 to configure things. when i looked at it i saw that it has a tab for vnc configuration. on that tab if i check the main box that is for allowing vnc connections the other things enable and within them there is a box that is to allow multiple connections. when i check that and restart my machine it works! I mean that i can use it to make connection through more than one machine to this system with krdc and there's no problem about it's speed. but it has another problem. that is it hasn't as configuration as krfb and the most important thing to me which is the configuration to make others not to control my keyboard and mouse.

So please someone help me on this topic, soon.

Fartash Faghri

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Fartash" (Apr 25th 2007, 2:26pm)