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Thursday, April 19th 2007, 4:08pm

Toolbars not working?

Hello there,

I have only been using Ubuntu 6.10 for a month and in that time I have been happy with Kopete and been impressed with it so far.

However I am having a small problem I haven't been able to resolve, and I have tried googling and going through the posts here and after two weeks I have broken down and admitted that the toolbar has defeated me. :P

I simply use Kopete for Yahoo and MSN. On MSN when I first installed Kopete, and opened up the IM box to chat to someone, I the toolbar was too full for me. So I clicked on the pm box settings - toolbars - and removed the Format Toolbar (Kopete). Now everytime I chat to someone on Msn - the third layer of buttons isn't there anymore, which is how I want it. ( you know the buttons with Bold, italics and underline etc etc.)

However I tried to do the same thing with my pm box when I chat to others on yahoo. The problem is it doesnt work. I have to keep going into the pm box settings every time to remove this when a new pm is initiated. I just want that layer removed completely and for the settings to recognise I don't want the bold buttons etc etc to appear unless I choose so when I pm my friends in yahoo.

I hope I'm being clear hear and hope there is someone who can give me an answer to resolve this little niggle of mine.
