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  • "ajayuitk" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: India

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Thursday, April 19th 2007, 11:18am

GTKRGB Problem

I am developing a small code to play a video file using SDL screen ,now i want to GTK or GDK screen instead of SDL screen,but i am not able to calculate the buffer for the GTK.
2nd thing i used SDL_CreateRGBSurface to get screen->pixel ,and draw the video on gdk_draw_rgb_image on the GTK window(176*220) ,but got the problem of screen height and width which is coming from avcodec(320*240).

so can anybody tell me how can i use GTK widget instead of SDL?
Help me......
If you want to see my test code, its as attachment.
Both code is there...1st is only using SDL
2nd is using SDL and GTK .

Waiting for your reply....
ajayuitk has attached the following files:
  • test_video_working.c (5.75 kB - 83 times downloaded - latest: Jul 17th 2008, 11:29pm)
  • main.c (7.87 kB - 73 times downloaded - latest: Jul 11th 2008, 9:20am)


Thursday, April 19th 2007, 4:43pm

i guess you would get more input from a gtk forum. this forum aims at Qt
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