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  • "Zunami" started this thread

Posts: 13

Location: Austria

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Friday, April 6th 2007, 2:54pm

a better Remote Desktop

a better and EASIER Remote Desktop Client with all Remote Protocol
RDP, VNC, NX, Metaframe, X Window System, SSH, ...

Many People need more and more Remote Connection to a other Server or PC. But the tool Krdc is not a easy client. Where are the settings of connection speed, desktop size, keyboard and other settings?

such as:…mepage/tsclient


Friday, April 6th 2007, 9:11pm

Checked the krdc window,and all settings you ask for are just one click away (under the button 'preferences')
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  • "Zunami" started this thread

Posts: 13

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Saturday, April 7th 2007, 2:19pm

and that version of krdc is easy?? HAHA

easy is when monkeys can to change the settings an make a connection to a server


Saturday, April 7th 2007, 3:01pm

If you can do better, go ahead and write one yourself ;)
Help mee om KDE 3.5.5 in het Nederlands te vertalen



  • "Zunami" started this thread

Posts: 13

Location: Austria

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Monday, April 9th 2007, 12:50pm

i can't write program code

new version of debian 4 there is a new remote desktop tool


Tuesday, April 10th 2007, 2:15am

looks like an exact copy of windows remote desktop.

And people are complaining that kde looks like windows :)
Help mee om KDE 3.5.5 in het Nederlands te vertalen