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  • "wersdaluv" started this thread

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Thursday, February 22nd 2007, 5:31pm

GUI Command-line Code Reference for Konsole

Is there a GUI Command-line Code reference for Konsole or other terminal emulators?

I believe that many experienced Linux Users still keep accessible references on Command-line Codes. I also believe that they are not the only ones who need those. New users need them so much more but many of them still do not know where to refer to that is why they do not even have an accessible Command-line Code Reference. I am not sure but I think, the man code lists references, but I still believe that a GUI reference will work better.

I suggest a GUI Command-line Reference on Terminal Emulators, if it does not exist yet, which will ask the users what they want to do and will show them the code they need to do the job. For example, there would be a "Navigating the Terminal" option and will list the codes necessary for a user to "navigate" the terminal
Linux User Since December 2006


Thursday, February 22nd 2007, 7:11pm

What do you mean by 'command line reference code'?

Do you mean the commands wich control konsole, or do you mean the basic linux-commands/bash-commands?
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  • "wersdaluv" started this thread

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Thursday, February 22nd 2007, 9:59pm

any will do...


Originally posted by Rinse
What do you mean by 'command line reference code'?

Do you mean the commands wich control konsole, or do you mean the basic linux-commands/bash-commands?

Any will do as long as there is a GUI reference. I think, since the new users are the ones who have most difficulty with the command-line, they are the ones who should be helped with the command-line the most and I think GUI solution is the answer.

If the user can just point and click to a GUI command-line code reference, well and good. If the GUI solution can't control the Konsole, it's still okay because copying and pasting from the reference is not much of a job.

I think, the basic linux commands are really the most important things that should be found in a reference, but I also believe that all commands must be available with that reference.

The main point I am trying to state here is that, I think, it would be helpful for users to look nowhere beyond the terminal emulators to know what codes they need to use.

If there is a feasibility problem with this idea or any sort of problem, please tell me. I love suggestions.
Linux User Since December 2006

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "wersdaluv" (Feb 22nd 2007, 10:02pm)


Friday, February 23rd 2007, 10:53am

There are some problems with a basic linux command reference:

1 kde is not a linux desktop, it's a unix desktop. And the different flavours of unix have a different commandline syntax.

2 even in linux it is possible that the setup uses a different command shell then Bash, thus a different commandline syntax.

3 most linux commands are actually applications that need to be installed to make the command work.
not all distributions ship the same set of commandline applications.

4 some of the commandline applications tend to change their syntaxis on new releases.
So the reference can be outdated on systems with newer versions of those apps, or too new on systems that still use the old apps..
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  • "wersdaluv" started this thread

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Friday, February 23rd 2007, 3:00pm

I have a new idea

Do you think it is feasible to have a GUI code reference?

If it is, what would the nature of that feature be?

I'm just eager to have a feature like it because having a reference nowhere farther than the terminal emulator just seems to sound like an excellent idea.
Linux User Since December 2006


Wednesday, March 7th 2007, 11:26pm

RE: GUI Command-line Code Reference for Konsole

So what do you guys think of that product is it better ?



Thursday, March 8th 2007, 9:14pm

RE: I have a new idea


Originally posted by wersdaluv
Do you think it is feasible to have a GUI code reference?

I think it will be hard to keep a reference up to date with all the possible situations i discribed.


If it is, what would the nature of that feature be?

menu [Help->code reference]
It should be intelligent, e.g. knowing which shell is used and which commands are installed.


I'm just eager to have a feature like it because having a reference nowhere farther than the terminal emulator just seems to sound like an excellent idea.

Well, you already have a reference in the terminal emulator, type bash --help for example
Or man bash
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Tuesday, April 10th 2007, 8:52pm

Why not just buy a book on using the shell? For example Linux Pocket Guide -essential commands, though there are many others (I got mine free with a magazine!)
