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Tuesday, February 13th 2007, 10:53pm

Using marble theme in kde 3.5?


I came across this screenshot:

It shows an ancient KDE Desktop with a marble theme.
While watching that piece of history I wondered if KDE 3.5 can still be themed in such a way.

I could not find it in kcontrol: the marble theme is no longer available, and the only options to change the window background is by using colors, not by using pixmaps or some kind of theme.

So I wonder: is it still possible to theme KDE in such a way?
If it is, how can it be done?

Regards, Rinse
Help mee om KDE 3.5.5 in het Nederlands te vertalen

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Rinse" (Feb 13th 2007, 10:54pm)