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  • "timrs" started this thread

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Friday, February 9th 2007, 3:30am

KDE 4 Suggestions

What KDE 4 needs is better organization for themes:
gnome is nice because you can just click a few buttons and install a theme, with kde, you're stuck with compressed folder that can sometimes be installed with ./configure, make..... It is also strange that KDE has so many separate places for controlling the themes, its nice when your used to it, but not really.. Every kcontrol module for themes should have a button to install more themes, and one of those Get New Hot Stuff buttons that kdesktop and superkaramba have -- That dialogue should be updated too for searching

Also, all themes, regardless of purpose, should be put in a *.ksomething file, which should be like koffices files, and just be a compressed folder with a different extension, and xml files inside to identify what it is, and should launch a program that lets you choose what parts of it too install, and which parts of it to load immediatly once clicked

One thing that makes windows nice is that you could easily update it (ignoring how often u reboot). KDE releases a 3.5.* really often, and I still don't know how to update mine. Kpackage is useless for installing anything that came on your OS's install DVD..

KDE should also follow metatheme's example, and make it support themes from Windows XP. Sure, everyone hates windows, but there are some kool themes for XP not made by MS. KDE should also support every possible theme (from Gnome, Mac, Stardock, Beryl) and theme everything from wine to gnome. Kwin also needs to grow up to beat Beryl and Compiz.

Also, when I first used KDE, those big tabs and buttons looked awful, now they look great, possibly because I'm just used to it. But KDE must look awful for people switching from Windows with those huge tabs and buttons -- the big buttons also distort things that looked proper in Firefox, look at for example

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "timrs" (Feb 9th 2007, 3:33am)


Friday, February 9th 2007, 11:03am

i just had a discussion about this issue last night :)

I agree that theming in kde could be done better.
We do have a theme manager in kcontrol, but i can't find any themes on that can be installed with that module..

Moreover, most themes that one can install with ./configure, make, make install are just widget styles, not real themes (as in: configured colors, wallpaper, windowdecoration, etc. etc). So you need to theme you desktop manually nevertheless.

Dunno if the theme manager of kcontrol is not capable enough to provide such themes or if the community at has no interest in providing complete themes for kde.
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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Rinse" (Feb 9th 2007, 11:03am)



  • "timrs" started this thread

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Friday, February 9th 2007, 9:44pm

All a button that says 'install new theme' would have to do is call up ark to extract the theme file to a temp directory, then copy the proper files to somewhere in $HOME/.kde --- its certainly capable of that.

Also KDE should have dialogues for configuring non-kde things like the bootloader (grub) or the screen shown while starting up/shutting down


Saturday, February 10th 2007, 1:13am


Originally posted by timrs
All a button that says 'install new theme' would have to do is call up ark to extract the theme file to a temp directory, then copy the proper files to somewhere in $HOME/.kde --- its certainly capable of that.

That is what the current theme manager does.

But that is useless if no-one creates theme files on


Also KDE should have dialogues for configuring non-kde things like the bootloader (grub) or the screen shown while starting up/shutting down

i'd say, install kubuntu :)

problem with this suggestion is that it is linux specific, while kde is an unix desktop.
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Saturday, February 10th 2007, 1:41am

I tried. openSuse is far better than Kubuntu. Well, at least opensuse 10.1, they tried to take away my Run Command button in the new start menu of 10.2...

If theming the bootloader and startup screen is linux specific, then they could always make the dialogues vanish in non-linux stuff -- its not that big of a deal, but it'd just be nice to have the theme section able to theme every aspect of my computer

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "timrs" (Feb 10th 2007, 1:45am)


Saturday, February 10th 2007, 2:06am

i know, but i guess that such configuration should be done by third party developers, not as part of the core kde.
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Saturday, February 10th 2007, 2:26am

with opensource, who isn't a third party?


Saturday, February 10th 2007, 12:27pm

people involved in a project are not considered third party ;)

For example, konqueror developers working on a konqueror plugin are not third party, but amarok developers working on a (amarok-) plugin for konqueror are third party.
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Sunday, March 4th 2007, 2:41pm

Hey everyone, just swtiched from Windows XP to Linux today.

Found this thread by searching how to install KDE themes, so I totally agree with the first suggestion on making that easier.

- Would be also cool if one could just remove the "Virtual Desktops" from the taskbar if they use one screen only, or better yet that it would automatically disappear if user chooses to use only one desktop.

- A "Minimize All Windows" button installed on the taskbar, like Gnome has

- Right clicking on desktop to Create a new shortcut could probably be made easier.
e.g. the items from under Create New > FIle > sub-menu could be removed one level up to be along new directory and new device menu as creating a new shortcut - link to application is the most usual thing users do. I also don't quite understand the create new html command as it creates an html file on desktop clicking on which opens the empty html with browser, wouldn't it be better to just have a create new file where user could fill in the file extension whether html or txt.

- Weather plugin I saw in Gnome would be cool

- I was not able to get Krusader filemanager to work :( ....having the Krusader included by default would be awesome! I got so used to using Total Commander under windows couldn't imagine life without it and as so few windows users know of Total Commander or even Norton Commander this would be an awesome extra for those switching over from crappy Windows Filemanager or "My Computer" file browser.

- Clicking on a .txt or README or INSTALL file (a text file without extension) should by default open it with a lite text editor instead of starting to slowly load OpenOffice Word to show such small text file.


Sunday, March 4th 2007, 2:49pm

- double-clicking on a window header maximixes the window by default instead of hiding the content and making only header visible, as a windows user, I'm so used to that, couldn't understand at first what was going on with multiple windows open and some windows pretty much disappearing.


Sunday, March 4th 2007, 2:51pm

- pressing backspace in konqueror goes one directory level up, like in Windows. Currently backspace has no function as far as I could see.


Sunday, March 4th 2007, 3:13pm

- sound manager visible in taskbar by default, like in gnome and in windows

- TOP 10 coolest themes from coming installed by default.

- I don't know what that is (part of KDE or a 3rd party app, Beryl?), but my desktop doesn't look anything like that:

And it'll probably take me a few days or maybe even more to get it there. These effects should be available by default imho. Or is it already there on newer versions, e.g. OpenSuse, Kubuntu, Fedora 6? (Running Centos 4 / RHEL 4 / Fedora 3)

- This rightframe desktop app installed by default (widgets and gadgets):

All the cool design screenshots I saw on the net was one of the main reasons I switched to Linux (in addition to it being more secure, free, opensource, etc. :) ) but currently my Centos 4 looks like Windows 3.1 :(



  • "timrs" started this thread

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Sunday, March 4th 2007, 4:12pm

There is a weather plugin, you just have to right click, add to panel, and find it.
Beryl is not a kde app, and won't be included with kde.
Depending on the distro you chose, most these things are there by default
You can edit konquerors shortcuts so the back button does that
A minimize all windows button is there by default (seriously now, what distro?)
When you first run kde, you could always have chose the windows shortcuts and actions instead of something else -- which would fix the doulbe clicking header thing, or just change it in the settings now
Removing the virtual desktops thing is easy.. how could it get easier?
File>new submenu is perfect, it should never change


Sunday, March 4th 2007, 8:55pm


but currently my Centos 4 looks like Windows 3.1 :(

centOS is an enterprise distribution, and eye candy is not meant for the enterprise ;)
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Wednesday, March 7th 2007, 2:57pm

different icons on different desktops

Hi all,

I would like to be able to place different icons on different desktops, and some icons on all desktops. I have found this request in a few places now on the net, but nobody seems to have any answers. Will this be possible in KDE4 ?

If this has been discussed on these forums already - sorry I haven't found the thread.....
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  • "timrs" started this thread

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Wednesday, March 7th 2007, 10:54pm

RE: different icons on different desktops

That would be nice to have too.

I was thinking of the craziest most unnused idea for desktops. I wonder if it would be possible to make a literal 3D desktop that makes use of those 3D glasses you see in movies.. That would be kool with a K.


Thursday, March 8th 2007, 9:15pm

did you checkout Looking Glass of SUN?
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  • "timrs" started this thread

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Thursday, March 8th 2007, 11:11pm

thats pretty kool, i thought this was a duplicate of compiz/beryl when i first saw it. That looks amazing


Friday, March 23rd 2007, 7:26am

Thing that recently annoys me in Windows Managers is the way application handles 'hide to systray' thing. I mean situation when I click the (X) button in the top-right corner of the window and application does not close itself but minimalize itself to icon in the systray and disappears from taskbar. Some apps that does that are akregator, amarok, skype. To close (completely) such application one has to (usually) choose "quit" option from "File" menu of the app.

In my opinion the handling of such type of situation should be different. What we see here is a completely new state so we need a new button on window bar for that purpose. Currently windows managers offers: "minimize", "Maximize/Restor", "Close" buttons. I believe we need separate button for "to systray" action. This would release (X) button from representing two different actions ("close" and "to systray"). This would also release the user from remembering what exactly (X) button means in every app. The icon that would neatly represent the functionality could be a slanting line (from top-left to bottom-rigth) with arrow end at the bottom-right end. This would very clearly indicate/represent the action performed by this new button.

I am not familiar with interfaces/API/code of KDE components so forgive me if I saying something that is already possible with existing window manager. The purpose of this post is to point out the functionality which I (as average KDE user) would like to see in apps gathered under KDE umbrella.


Monday, April 23rd 2007, 6:02am


Originally posted by goodidea
- sound manager visible in taskbar by default, like in gnome and in windows

- TOP 10 coolest themes from coming installed by default.

- I don't know what that is (part of KDE or a 3rd party app, Beryl?), but my desktop doesn't look anything like that:

And it'll probably take me a few days or maybe even more to get it there. These effects should be available by default imho. Or is it already there on newer versions, e.g. OpenSuse, Kubuntu, Fedora 6? (Running Centos 4 / RHEL 4 / Fedora 3)

- This rightframe desktop app installed by default (widgets and gadgets):

All the cool design screen shots I saw on the net was one of the main reasons I switched to Linux (in addition to it being more secure, free, opensource, etc. :) ) but currently my Centos 4 looks like Windows 3.1 :(

yap something wrong with Kde was all the nice themes from olders kde wasn't import or upgrade to the next kde I remember many themes pretty nice, but were forgotten in some place that was make me change to linux,all the cool looking it was after i don't know what happend the artists start with this unflavour look clear white cream instead the dark and brilliant and elegant themes. beryl bring back some of this creative back but were more nice before. some buddy knew were are they or were delete like garbage, it that happend it was a sad lost, because I don't see no one theme like the old ones neither the wallpapers. that is art why did you make that.
another stuff if are you gong make the konsole look in real transparent way because with beryl look no nice and artificial and don't fix very well with it.
I hope KDE4 have a better look or enlightement became more stable I look some of the themes and I tried and sorry it's the most creative stuff I see from long time with their gadgets and anime wallpapers.
Well kde it's not the only one i tried afterstep and the same , other similar and the same nobody import the nice jobs making for some artist and they are forgotten in same places . ;(, the less you can make with that jobs it's put in some older art repo page, or something like that. I don't think, all the good art from the older civilizations are garbage o picasso o dali must go to the garbage I don't think so, do you?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "xoseramus" (Apr 23rd 2007, 6:12am)