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  • "collix" started this thread

Posts: 2

Location: Troisdorf, Germany

Occupation: Student

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Thursday, January 11th 2007, 3:34pm

[Kopete] ICQ-Contactlist, connect automatically

Hi [KDE]'ians ;)

well, I'm using Kubuntu Edgy and Kopete 0.12.3.
Actually, I upgraded from Dapper only for one reason: because I hoped my problems with my ICQ contact list would go away, but they're still there.
Unlike all of my friends and relatives of mine who are using Kopete 12.3 on Edgy, I can only see some of the people online when I connect to ICQ. Some of my contacts, however, appear to be constantly offline - though they sometimes still write to me, they just *appear* to be offline (as if they were "always invisible" to me, but I think I'm not sooo bad that they would do this ;) ).
Now, I am behind a W-LAN Access Point and a Router, and I don't know if there *might* be a problem concerning ports and forwarding and such things. So: is it necessary for some contacts on ICQ to use certain ports (which I would have to open/forward?). Or are there other networking issues I can work out to solve this problem? I have no idea how ICQ works, so I'd be happy about all suggestions! :-)

Next: Since I've updated to Edgy, Kopete always connects all by itself (I don't want this and I have *not* enabled this in the program settings!). How can I stop it doing this?

Thanks so much for your help, guys


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "collix" (Jan 11th 2007, 3:36pm)



  • "collix" started this thread

Posts: 2

Location: Troisdorf, Germany

Occupation: Student

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Thursday, January 11th 2007, 4:49pm

RE: [Kopete] ICQ-Contactlist, connect automatically

Well, I have to update.
I tried again the whole afternoon, and now I start deleting contacts and adding and authorizing them again (although ICQ's "Requests Authorization" is a damn stupid phrase, cause God only knows if *I* am to authorized or if I've *got to get* authorized).
It seems to work for now.

Only: The contacts photos are either not shown, or they are really old (and not the current ones, I know this from a friend's contact list). Is there any way to automatically refresh the buddy pics?
