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Monday, January 8th 2007, 6:28pm

korganizer slowing down

Have ben using korganizer for a couple years on Kanotix. All of a sudden it takes 10/12 seconds for it to come up and several seconds to shut down. I don't know if this coincided with the changeover to Sidux or not. I purged and reinstalled but no difference. Any ideas?


Monday, January 8th 2007, 7:23pm

you say that you purged and reinstalled
does that include (re)moving the korganizer files in ~/.kde/share?
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Tuesday, January 9th 2007, 5:36am

Thanks Rinse. I did delete /kde/share/korganizer but I'm finding out that there is a lot more than meets the eye. What's perplexing is that I have an identical setup on another computer as my backup and it doesn't have the problem. By purging and reinstalling, I'm finding bits and pieces that effect Korganizer and don't show up in dependencies. Since I try to keep things lean, I may have removed something somewhere that effects Korganizer in a not so obvious way. I can find nothing whatsoever wrong with Korganizers functions except it's delay in starting.


Tuesday, January 9th 2007, 7:40am

Ah ok.

But did you also look at /home/username/share/apps/korganizer and /home/username/share/config/korganizerrc?

Because it is possible that korganizer either needs to load a lot of stuff from the first directory, or that there is something wrong with korganizerrc in the second directory.

That could explain why an identical setup has no problem.

Dunno if purging also affects the files and directories in your home directory.

Regards, Rinse
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