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  • "pmarguinaud" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: France

Occupation: Software developper

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Thursday, November 30th 2006, 10:27am

Adding a new mimetype using magic

Hi all,

I am writing an application ( should work with gnome and kde ), and I have introduced new file types... So that everything works smoothly, and these files be opened by the right application, I need to define new mimetypes. I would like files to be recognized not by file extensions, but using their contents.
I know this is possible to do that, because when I have a pdf file on the Desktop, it gets well recognized, even without the .pdf extension. One has to properly set the "magic" parameters, somewhere... But where ?
I have been trying editing the different magic files all over the /usr tree, but without any success... Maybe I need to issue a command to have my changes taken into account ?
I am pretty sure I can do that with kde; I have been able to set-up everything with gnome and it works.

I have two other constraints :
* I would like to be able to install these magic parameters in the private user config files ( ie ~/.kde ).
* My files are of type hdf5, but with a special string in them at a particular place.

Any help appreciated,
