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Monday, November 13th 2006, 12:14am


Hi! Good day to all

I have some problem regarding with rsync is all about. Does anybody here know what is rsync and how to configure this?

THANKS a lot



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Monday, November 13th 2006, 10:04am

RE: rsync

This is a KDE forum, please post these general questions on the appropiate forums like Linux Questions.

rsync is a tool to synchronize a large collection of files between two machines (efficiently).
Bram Schoenmakers
KDE Netherlands (



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Wednesday, November 29th 2006, 7:57pm

you have nothing to "configure"
all what you want you can choose with the parameters.
rsync -h or rsync --help for s small summary
"man rsync" for the whole information.

have a lot of fun ;)