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Friday, August 25th 2006, 4:25am

[Kopete]Saving new emoticons

Kopete is great, and serves my purposes quite well, for the most part. However, there is one feature I'd especially like to see. I can't imagine that it would we that hard to implement.

The thing is that I find it a bit restrictive that you can't add new emoticons. Currently, you can only select from predefined emoticon themes, so it's really an all-or-nothing deal. There are no provisions to edit the themes in any way. What I would especially love to see is the ability to right-click on the emoticons received from people you are chatting with and saving them to your current theme, but manually adding a new emoticon from a specified file would also be nice.

I've looked a bit into the Kopete code, and I reiterate that I'm pretty confident that I believe that this would not be that hard to implement. Whenever a user wants to add a new emoticon from a file (whether this happens by right-clicking an emoticon in a chat window, or by some other means), Kopete would:

- Copy the file over to the emoticon store.
- Add a node to the emoticon xml file, connecting the file to the desired emoticon characters.
- Reload any instances of the emoticon store that are lurking in memory.

Any interested Kopete developers reading this; let me know what you think.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "tharfagreinir" (Aug 25th 2006, 4:25am)